Friday, September 30, 2011

Get Started With WordPress

Want to start a website? “Go with WordPress.” – That’s  short-and-sweet answer for all. 
This long article is meant for newbies who wish to start a new WordPress site or blog.

WordPress Explained

First thing first, what is WordPress? As described in developer’s own words:
“WordPress is publishing software with a focus on ease of use, speed and a great user experience. WordPress is blessed with an active community, which is the heart of open source software.”
“WordPress is a powerful personal publishing platform, and it comes with a great set of features designed to make your experience as a publisher on the Internet as easy, pleasant and appealing as possible. We are proud to offer you a freely distributed, standards-compliant, fast, light and free personal publishing platform, with sensible default settings and features, and an extremely customizable core. ”
In layman term, WordPress is an open-source web application that provides a convenient way to create, publish, and manage contents online. WordPress was mainly used as a blogging platform at first but as the software revolt; it is widely used in building and maintaining websites.
If you are into history, read About WordPress.

Benefits of WordPress
WordPress is free, easy-to-use, features rich, SEO friendly, and most importantly, WordPress is widely supported. The system itself is supported by a huge group of talented volunteers; and there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of developers and web designers working 24/7 on WordPress plugins and templates.

What’s about WordPress template and plugin?
A WordPress template is the design codes (in css and php files) that decide the outlook of your website/blog; while WordPress plugins are functional codes that provide extra functions to your website/blog.

Details for each of these at below. vs
People always confused with and is all about the software (where you can find supports, documentations and download links on the software); on the other hand, is where you can host a free blog online using the WordPress software. Blogs hosted on will have long URLs like – just like what you get from

WordPress Templates Explained

The beauty of WordPress is that the design of your blog/website is ‘seperated’ from the backend system.
The appearance of your WordPress blog/website is controlled by a series of files named template or theme. You can modify your blog/website designs easily by editing your files in the template folders (without touching the backend system). Once you get the stylesheets and template files configured, the design will be reflected thru out your blog/website and there’s no need to edit the designs on page-by-page basis.
Do I need to create WordPress templates myself?
Yes if you want to; but it’s not a must. As a matter of fact, most WordPress bloggers do not create their own blog/website templates. There are plenty of templates available (for free or for an affordable price) online. If this is your first WordPress blog, I would suggest you start by using templates built by others.
Where can I get those beautiful WordPress templates?
A simple search on Google should get you infinite WordPress templates. Alternatively, you can find beautiful templates from WordPress themes gallery sites as well as related blogs. 
Some links to get you started:
Official WordPress Website
WordPress Themes Galleries

WordPress Plugins Explained

A WordPress plugin is like an extension on the basic system. Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine –polls, dynamic listing on related articles, on-site rating systems, images gallery, SEO features, auto-generate XML sitemap… etc.
Similar to WordPress template, you don’t have to create your own plugins. Benefit of WordPress – there are plenty of volunteers developing plugins and sharing the codes for free. There are almost infinite number of plugins available online that you can get just about any tasks done with these existing plugins.

Setting up your first WordPress site

You should be able to install WordPress in most hosting providers and personal computers on Unix/Linux system. The latest WordPress version requires PHP Version 4.3 or greater and MySQL Version 4.0 or greater.
Details of server requirements and recommended setup can be found here but I think 99.99% users should be fine without reading the specifications.
Installing WordPress on local computer
Before installing WordPress, you need a mini-server installed in your computer – something like WAMP should be good enough. When you are done with WAMP (or whatever system you are using on your computer), go download WordPress installation file and follow the ‘Famous 5-Minute Install’ guides.
Quoting from WordPress official website (
  1. Download and unzip the WordPress package, if you haven’t already.
  2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
  3. Rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php.
  4. Open wp-config.php in your favorite text editor and fill in your database details as explained in Editing wp-config.php to generate and use your secret key password.
  5. Place the WordPress files in the desired location on your web server: 
    – If you want to integrate WordPress into the root of your domain (e.g., move or upload all contents of the unzipped WordPress directory (but excluding the directory itself) into the root directory of your web server.
    – If you want to have your WordPress installation in its own subdirectory on your web site (e.g., rename the directory wordpress to the name you’d like the subdirectory to have and move or upload it to your web server. For example if you want the WordPress installation in a subdirectory called "blog", you should rename the directory called "wordpress" to "blog" and upload it to the root directory of your web server.
  6. Run the WordPress installation script by accessing wp-admin/install.php in your favorite web browser. 
    – If you installed WordPress in the root directory, you should visit: 
    – If you installed WordPress in its own subdirectory called blog, for example, you should visit:
Installing WordPress on web host
If you are planning to run a WordPress website from the beginning, look for a web host that can auto-install WordPress for you. There are plenty (and I really mean P-L-E-N-T-Y) of good web host that supports such easy installation features – why sweat for all the hassles to install WordPress manually?

Why Marketing for your Website is Important

You may have been running your business for a very long time, and enjoyed moderate success, but you don't quite know how to enjoy the success all your competitors are experiencing, and you're looking for ways to expand the reach your company is capable of. With the advent of the Internet, many small businesses are experiencing new growth and added profits when they take their unique company to the Internet and establish an online presence with a custom Web Design, and a solid Internet Marketing Strategy to marketing their company online.
  • Reach a Greater Number Of People

    With the help of a beautiful and optimized website, and some help with Social Media Marketing, more and more people who are interested in the services you offer will be able to learn about your business. If they like what they see, they'll stick with you. This can supply you with an enormous amount of exposure that your small business has never experienced before.
  • Increase Your Presence Within the Community

    You won't just attract people from other parts of the country or the world with your website. People in your location who might not have known about your business through the traditional forms of marketing that you may be using, can discover your company as they use search engines looking for a local business that specializes in your product or service. This way, you can increase your presence and visibility on a more immediate level as well.
  • Make Your Customers Part of the Conversation

    The unique nature of online marketing makes it easy to make your customers feel like they're invested in the company. With a simple solicitation for their contact information (presumably in return for a free 'something'), you can occasionally send them newsletters and mailers that will inform them of new reasons to keep them coming back for more.
  • Educate Your Customers On Your Products

    With the help of an effectively optimized and informative website, you can tell established or prospective customers more information on your product or service than traditional marketing methods would allow. This way, your customers will feel more knowledgeable about what you offer, and as such will be more comfortable paying money for it.
  • Possess A New Avenue For Selling Your Product

    If you have the means and the motivation to create an online store for your business, as well as a way to ship your products to customers outside your local area, you can provide whatever you sell to people all around the country. The comparatively minimal cost of shipping your products and maintaining an online store is nothing compared to the immense profits you can experience when you extend your customer base to the rest of the country and beyond. Even customers in your area can take a look at what you have through your online store, and later choose to buy it from your location.

Now that you know these top five ways in which a website is an important part of your marketing plan, it's our sincere hope that you can create an online presence that will dramatically benefit your company. With the help of an effectively designed and optimized website, you can bring in new revenue streams to your brick and mortar business and create a niche for yourself online, enabling you to experience success the likes of which you've never seen before.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

When Should You Redesign Your Website?

The great thing about a well-designed website is that it can breathe new life into your web presence, and by extension, into your whole business.
The nature of the Internet, though, means that no website stays great for more than a few years, tops. Some of the site’s original luster and strength does wear off over time. It’s the reality of participating with the world online: change happens faster in the 21st century.
So when it comes to the frequency of changing your website’s design, you might find yourself asking, “What’s the magic number?” Well, there isn’t one. But for starters, take a guess and cut that duration in half.
In some industries, a new site design is just about obsolete after 12 months, while designs in other industries can maintain their usability and visitor appeal for as long as 4 or 5 years. Most businesses and non-profits are somewhere in the middle.
No company, however, is immune to the reality that the Internet is changing all the time—sometimes faster than we want it to.
The design and functionality that encouraged your visitors just a few years ago to spend long periods of time on your site, exploring more of your products and services, probably isn’t doing a lot for your on-site activity today. In fact, some site designs that get left behind by their owners can actually work against that organization’s goals in the long run.

The average website should have its look and design updated about every 3 years. How do you know if it is time to renew, change and rejuvenate your marketing message?
  1. Old Design: Styles change and evolve with time. Older looking websites will date your business as not keeping up with the times. 7-10 years ago websites were designed for smaller monitors, many were full width and many had simple boxy looking designs.
  2. Uncompetitive Design: Look at your competition and compare your design to theirs. Do you appear like a leader in your niche? If you are a local business such as a restaurant or a medical office, compare websites with similar sites in other cities.
  3. Changed Strategies: Do you now have new business goals, strategies or products? Are you selling to the same market niche? You will need to update your website if your business direction has shifted.
  4. Not Converting: If your website is not generating leads or sales, then you may need to start over. Does your website answer the questions your visitors are trying to find? Do you have a clear offer and action that your visitors are guided into? Top producing websites are designed to be selling machines.
  5. No Traffic: Your website design may be preventing your website from being ranked well on the search engines. Perhaps your website was designed all in Flash? Maybe you never optimized your website for keyword phrases? Search engine optimization or SEO is an important part of generating business. After all, with no visitor traffic, you will generate no sales.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Social Bookmarking Sites: Increases Traffic For Your Site

Social bookmarking is a Web-based service that allows you to store and manage different web pages that you want bookmarked. Of course you can only get the results you want if you go about things the right way. Without proper social bookmarking tagging it is going to be harder for others to find your links. If you do not use the right tags, no one is going to find the site you have bookmarked so it will be pretty useless for the most part.
The tags need to relate to the topic of the web page listed to keep things organized. There are generally no limits to how many tags or keywords you can use. It is going to be much more to your benefit to stick with a few specific tags rather than an abundance of them. If you get carried away you are going to end up annoying users so be strategic with your social bookmarking tagging.
You want to be specific and strategic with your tagging and not just go at it randomly. If you purposely tag your bookmarked sites with keywords that are completely irrelevant just to get people to come onto a certain site, once they find out they are going to get annoyed and can bury your site. People are going to appreciate the fact that you have tagged appropriately and will then pass on the information to their friends and your business will grow slowly but steadily. You will see the improvement in the success of your business after properly content tagging in social bookmarking.
Social bookmarking tagging is one of the easiest and most effective social media tools you can use. This is one of the best social media tools you can use and it is important not to overlook it. If you want some extra help with tagging with your social bookmarking tagging you can always download a program like Live Writer. It will help make things as simple as possible and help you determine which tags are going to be best for each web page you bookmark.
When social bookmarking correctly you can drive a huge amount of traffic to your business. While individual bookmarking does come with its own set of advantages, social bookmarking is really where it’s at. With social bookmarking you can share your business and other links with Internet users from all over the world. You are also provided in return with a list of bookmarks that contain information helpful to you.

Why Ecommerce Is So Important

he Internet is an unlimited space for the growth of any ecommerce industry and many possibilities and opportunities are constantly becoming available for anyone to create their own online business. This new media is an open area for communication and the exchanging of experiences and wide range of opportunities across the globe. If you want to grow and expand your business, you will need to embrace this new opportunity and set up an interactive business in the cyber community.
Any Ecommerce website expansion is a significant obligation and commitment for any online trade. The main goal of any ecommerce trade is to expand business by an ever growing website presence. It is a platform that requires more and more traffic in order to succeed. The users and visitors are potential clients, need to be persuaded to come and surf and then buy your products or services, you have to identify and feel their wishes and requirements. This requires you to think like a buyer. We must appreciate that everyone will have their own shopping experience and method, however it is possible to create a general flow whereby you can direct a client, without him or her actually knowing they are being ed. Always remember that clients can be quite capricious, so try and think out of the box as well as catering for the ordinary client.
You should continue this list of questions and ask yourself what is needed, always remember you must start with a good plan. If all features and details are planned and included into your draft, then you will have far less and unexpected chances for failure.
The internet community now boasts millions of users all are potential purchasers, all of them have an internet connection and are surfing the net 24/7. Thus, think how wide your business can be or could be, don't think too rural. Think how much you could expand your business window from a simple website. Websites are designed popularize products and services around the world. If you try to embrace as many people as you can, you will gain more flow and potential sales profits, traffic and high numbers are a pre cursor to converting traffic into sales.
Also you must consider other competitors on the network who may have the same goals as you. Do you run away from this point? Do not think that competitors will only destroy your clientele and your faith in overall victory, this is absolutely wrong!Direct competition only makes you stronger and makes you to think day and night how to develop your business. You can and must use this power of competitive network. If you think laterally your network with have useful contacts and creating links you establish a good linkage and network. It will work for your website and boast your overall awareness far more than that of your competitors` websites. Improvise and develop your website from various points of view. If you need some additional support and advice, then you are welcome to contact ecommerce web design Birmingham company. They will provide you with a range of services in all web building spheres, making sure that you will have a full control of your own website.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top Five Web Design Tools

Just like in most other professions, a web designer’s set of tools is what brings a concept into fruition. There are many applications available to our disposal, but there are some that just stand out from the crowd. The tools in this article are what’s regarded as the most popular tools used for web design.


Adobe Photoshop is a very popular commercial graphics editor available for the Mac and Windows operating system. Created for professional photographers and designers, it is the ideal application for manipulating images and creating web graphics. Photoshop has all the necessary tools and options you need such as: Filters – which automatically adds effects to your image or a selected section of your image, extensibility and automation with BrushesActions and Scripting, and workflow enhancement features like Layer Comps and the Revert option.


Adobe Dreamweaver is a commercial application for web development that’s available for the Mac and Windows operating systems. Its featured-packed suite of tools and options include: syntax highlighting and very smart Code Hinting, a built-in FTP client, project management and workflow options that make team work effortless, and Live View – which shows you a preview of your source code. Dreamweaver tightly integrates with other popular Adobe products such as Photoshop, allowing you to share Smart Objects for quick and easy updating and editing of graphics components. 


Adobe Flash is the best software to use for web site animation. It has gained a lot of popularity and there seems to be a huge demand for Flash web sites. The reason Flash is so popular is because you can do fantastic animations while still keeping the file size low and so that sites can load fast. If you are interested in developing web animations Flash is without a doubt the best. There is also a huge online community of Flash developers so if you have questions or need resources like articles, tutorials, sound loops, flash files - it is all readily available on the Internet.


Adobe Fireworks is a commercial raster and vector graphics editor hybrid from Adobe that’s available for the Mac and Windows operating systems. Designed specifically for web designers (unlike Photoshop), Fireworks brings you a plethora of tools and options that make full web layout prototyping a breeze.

Among its notable features are: "slices" for slicing and dicing a design mockup into HTML/CSS for rapidly creating prototypes (though you should avoid using auto-generated source code for the end-build), the ability to package an entire site design as a PDF with clickable components for interactive and impressive site prototypes, and optimization tools for making your web graphics as lightweight as possible.


Advanced Flash Creation Tool For The Graphic Artist Or Web Professional
Creates Stunning Flash Animations and Websites with Ease
Includes over 350 Preset Multimedia Effects
Includes over 180 Ready-to-use Components and Vector Shapes
Import Images, Graphics, Sound and Video from all popular formats
Export Presentations to Flash, Video, EXE, GIF Animation or Image Sequence
Powerful Scripting Language for Advanced Users
Tools to Control Motion, Draw Shapes, Edit Text, and more
NEW! Project templates - Instant Results Using the Wizard Panel
NEW! Drawing Tools - Shape Operations, Knife Tool, Component Tool
NEW! Improved Motion Path - Editable Bezier Curves, Convert a Shape to Path.

Monday, September 26, 2011

An Attractive Web Design In Your Business:- Secrets Of Pulling Profits

The appearance of your website determines the success of your business. Before you design any website, you should ensure that it is fully loaded with the exact information. A well-designed website attracts more customers. Make sure that your website works well with the browsers. This makes it easy for your clients to browse through your website design. You should include interactive elements in your website, for instance chat box and forums. This encourages your customers to visit your website more frequently. Ensure that the pictures and graphics in your web design are balanced. Too many of them slow down the speed in which a website page takes to load. Before you release your website on the internet, make sure that it has the capability to load faster.

Using colors that relate to theme of your website is very important. For instance if you are selling beauty products, you can use bright colors like pink. If you have any extra advertising space on your website design, you can sell it to earn more income. When you website has all the right information, it is an easy way of reaching your customers.

Templates are a perfect way of designing a website. You can customize them to meet your specific needs. They provide all the basics you need you need in building a web design. Use them to enhance the appearance of your website design. There are varieties, which you can choose. The templates feature the latest technology. You should ensure that your website has excellent graphic design. If you are a web designer, you should design a website that can attract more customers for your client.

Make sure that your website design is not plain. Use a great designing concept when creating the website. The logo of your website should be attractive. If you want to gain more profits in your business, make sure that your website is aesthetically appealing. When targeting a large market, use web design, which is applicable. Ensure that that your website can easily capture the eyes of your reader. Updating your website regularly is very important.
Your website design should gain readership. It should be easy to navigate and interesting. You can use your reader’s testimonials to improve the appearance of your website. Make sure that the font size of your website is easy to read. Do not use fonts that are not easy to read. Determine the goals you want to achieve in your organization before building any website. By using the latest tools and software’s, you can easily create a powerful web design.

Web design is very crucial for every business. If you do not have one, you should make a point of building a website now. It is the easiest way of pulling in more profits in your business. Website advertising is a perfect way of reaching more customers. Enjoy enormous benefits by creating a website. The internet has made it easy for to attain a good image of your business through website design.

Why SEO Important To Website?

SEO is an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization. This is the process of structuring a web page so that it is found, read, and indexed by search engines in the most effective manner possible.
This makes your web site and its content attractive, relevant and visible to search engines and web searchers.
Why is this important? Consider what it would be like if no one could easily find your place of business, or even your telephone number. Most businesses could not continue for long in such a situation.
The same thing can happen with your web site if people cannot easily locate it. Traffic volume, if it existed at all, slows to a crawl. Potentially valuable customers never even know you are there.
"Wait!" you say. "I had a web site created, and the address is included in all of our advertising. Why wouldn't people be able to find it?"
Certainly, existing customers or those who are already familiar with your company should be able to find your site without any great difficulty, but this may not be the case.
Can you be sure that every potential customer has been reached by your advertising? What about the people who don't read the magazines or newspapers where you chose to place advertisements?
Did they hear the right radio station? Did they watch the right television show? Did they get one of the thousands of brochures you mailed?
So, what about the search engines? Those people could just enter a few words into a text box, click a button, and voila! There is a link to your web site. Aren't search engines wonderful?
Yes, search engines can be wonderful, and the scenario above can happen, but not without some work. This is where SEO comes in.
A case in point
Let us consider first a web site that I know of which is extremely difficult to find. This particular site is for a fine restaurant in the community where I live.
I didn't know the address of their site, so I went to, entered the name of the restaurant into the text box, and clicked the search button.
Many links were listed, but none seemed to have anything to do with the restaurant. To the search terms I added the name of the city where the restaurant is located.
Here were links that did pertain to the restaurant, but they all seemed to be links to news articles and reviews, not to the site of the restaurant itself. What was wrong? Did they actually not have a site?
Luckily, one of the news articles did mention the web site address. It is a very beautiful site, pleasing to the eye and ear. It was created as a Macromedia Flash presentation which is embedded into a single web page.
Why did I have so much trouble finding it? I think it might have something to do with the fact that the creators of the site don't seem to understand SEO.
How does a web site get into search engines' listings? The major search engines use computer programs (commonly called robots or crawlers) to follow links from one page to another and retrieve the contents of each page.
The contents of each page are indexed and added to the search engines' databases.
How the search engines work
How are the pages indexed? How do the search routines really work? Only the operators of the search engines know for sure, and this is generally very closely held proprietary information. The process is continually improved, as all useful computer software is.
The information that the operators of the search engines will release, combined with the results of research into why certain pages are at the top of the list of results of certain searches, help us in our process.
Using this information, we can make a reasonable determination of what techniques can be used to enhance a web site's visibility and effectiveness in the search engines.
Through an analysis of your existing or proposed web site, we can recommend and implement changes that can dramatically improve your site's chances of being found.
Some of these changes may alter the actual content of what is displayed on a page. Many of these changes, however, have no effect on what a user sees when visiting your site.
So SEO can really help you. Why not take it a little further and get your site listed for all kinds of searches. that should really bring the traffic in, right? It just might, but probably not for very long.
When using various search engines, you may have noticed that some search results have little, if anything, to do with what you were looking for. Some of these pages may even redirect you to another web site altogether.
The owners of these pages have one goal: to get you in the door (so to speak), no matter what lies or cheats they have to use to do it.
What not to do
The following search engine optimization techniques are often called spamming, and should be avoided at all costs:
automatically generated doorway pages;
cloaking and false redirects;
keyword stuffing;
hidden text or hidden links;
pages loaded with irrelevant words;
duplicated content on multiple pages;
misspelling of well-known web sites;
unrelated and centralized link farms;
other methods that try to trick search engines.
These and other similar techniques, while sometimes effective in generating an increase in traffic to your site, quickly fail.
Imagine putting a "Detour" sign in the street in front of your place of business, forcing traffic into your parking lot. Yes, your parking lot is full, but how many of those people actually wanted to be there?
How many of those people will want to shop there after witnessing such a trick? How long will it take the local police to remove the sign?
The same thing happens to web sites that use such nefarious techniques. People are brought to a site where they had no intention of going. Do you think they will stay to shop?
When the operators of a search engine discover these types of tricks, they will often remove the site from their index entirely.
How do you rank?
The next time you use a search engine, look for your own site. What words would someone search for that should bring them to your site? Is your site listed in those search results?
SEO is the tool that can be used to insure that your site is listed as close as possible to the top of the relevant search results.
Without SEO it will be as if those customers drive by your shop without even knowing that you are there. Should SEO be important to you? You can bank on it.-
Notice:This article was written by Dan Johnson, Technical & Marketing Consultant at Webnauts Net.
It may be reproduced on a web site, CD-ROMe-zine, book, magazine, etc. so long permission is received from Webnauts Net and the author's name is included in full, and, if the reproduction is by electronic media, a link back to this web site is included.

Why Is It Important To Have A Good Hosting

There are lots of internet hosting solutions on the market to choose from. This could get issues a little difficult for many of us to determine, a reduced amount of those that are not aware of what a provider like this really does and also exactly why they would need one. The webhosting service is known as a firm which helps individuals planning to create their own individual web-site choose the space on the net to take action. They are the organisations that offer the urls for internet websites. While there are some things alongside this path offered by nearly all ISP’s cost free, a lot of companies that are thinking about to make a website will need to stick with the company which is pricy. That is because of the fact that they have a lot more to look at compared to those that happen to be absolutely free, and for that reason permit the purchasers to place much more to the web page that they develop. In regards to free of charge provider, customers usually get the general web page as well as may post information which they prefer publish. If perhaps you are not wanting something which is much more complex as compared to this it is the wonderful decision. 

It will come absolutely free and can do just what you need for it to complete. Great for something to the effect of your personalized style of internet site. For individuals who need some thing greater than that, you can find the net hosting offerings that ask for the rate. A lot of these organizations supply the individual the chance to be more inventive using the material of the private sites as well as the internet site in general. Almost all the web pages that individuals go to on a regular basis are provided by such type of company.

The way in which the more complex website hosting services work is certainly that they allow the end users to put in scripts for their web page that many make a different software package for the web site. Web pages like these provide flash games for the buyers to experiment with or even message boards for the people to publish and other styles of apps that happen to be widespread on numerous website pages men and women go to on a daily basis. There are several different kinds of webhosting offerings on the web and each and every has various features they provide to make them distinctive from the other web hosting service providers. This is simply one of the numerous causes that one must do the research on the different choices available and next a variety of companies open to them. This will assist to make certain they are getting what they already want from the service which they pick plus that it’s going to manage to go with your budget that they have got. 

any of these are necessary factors take into consideration when looking around for the diverse organizations that provide this service.

Why the Right Domain Name is Important for your Business

Generally, a company’s name has the greatest influence on the amount of business it will attract. It’s amazing how a name says a lot about your business and this really needs to be considered when choosing a domain name as well. At one time, domain names were so expensive, only companies wanting to protect a particular brand used them. As the use of technology has skyrocketed, so has the use of domain names causing a decrease in the prices. Because of the easy affordability, it’s hard to take a company seriously that does not have a domain name.

Obviously, the domain name helps to describe what the company is about. When you are trying to decide what name to go with, choose a name that not only describes the product or company, but also one that is easy to remember and easy to spell. A name that makes it easy for search engines to locate the website, especially if the name is misspelled, works best. Always think about keywords and popular search terms to locate the domain name. Choosing an unconventional way to spell a familiar word makes the domain name easier to remember. This is extremely helpful to those searching for a particular company or brand that sticks out from other companies and brands.

In addition to the domain name, it is important to be sure that the website visitor remembers the extension that goes along with the domain name. For example, if the domain name ends with a .org extension, it’s important to make sure something reminds the visitor of the .org extension. If the visitor forgets to add the .org and adds a .com extension with the correct domain name, the search engine ends up visiting a completely different website which defeats the purpose of having an outstanding domain name.

If the domain is used to promote a particular product, consider using a name that will appear as relevant to thesearch engine list results. To drive more traffic to the website, consider using a domain name that uses frequently searched terms for your industry. Most importantly, don’t become some immersed in the language you use as a marketer in your industry, use the words that your customers use. If you normally use a very high-tech term for something, see if this is what your customer uses. Chances are, unless you offer a very high tech product or service, your customers may be describing what your company has to offer in different more laymen’s terms. At the same time, be sure to be specific. For example, if the website sells women shoes, choose a name that describes a particular shoe such as rather than If trying to promote a particular product consider a name such as instead of Since the weight loss industry is one that has a lot of competition, it’s important to search all supplement domains available in order to choose the right one.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 Reasons why your business needs a website

1. Convenience for customer
Using the internet to search for business and products is much easier and faster than any time in the past. Millions of searches are done every day and it is commonplace for businesses to find next supplier over the web.

2. Provides Greater Exposure
Your website will be visible to all your potential and current clients. You will no longer be tied to the limited geographic exposure of the golden pages or the phone book. Your customer won't need to visit your office or retail outlet to see example of what you do not offer nor will they need a brochure or other marketing material posted to them.

3. Say so much more
You can say so much more on a website then you could in any print advertisement, golden pages, brochure or TV/Radio advertisement. There are no space restrictions or Time restrictions on a website, so you can say as much as you want.

4. Inexpensive, effective advertising
Your customer will have a better knowledge of your products or services, as they are able to research your products or services in their own time instead of having to rely on a furiously paced TV or Radio ad to gather the information they need.

5. Fulfills your brand promise
With a professionally designed web site that is an extension of your brand, your site becomes part of the experience of doing business with you. A professional image online will separate you from the competition as the supplier of choice.

6. Save money
You can save money on printing postage costs for brochures, flyer, specials, newsletters and other mailings. When it comes to advertising we can deliver guaranteed targeted visitors to your site with  internet marketing campaign.

7. Always available
Your website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you are unable to answer the phone, you can be sure that your website is available to answer your customer's questions for you.

8. Saves Time
The time that you would have spent on the phone answering customer's question can be used to invest in growing your business.

9. Creates measurable results
A web site allows you to track the number of visits and where they came from, e.g. an online advert or search engine. It can record the number of inquiries or online sales in the case of an eCommerce site, thus producing a ration of inquires to visitors which gives the conversion rate. With this information you can take steps to improve this ratio and increase sales.

10. It is easier to test new ideas
The web allows you the quickest medium for publishing new ideas. With a content management system attached to your site you can create and publish new content within minutes a no cost. Within minutes new visitors to your site will tell you if your message is working or not. Additional tweaks to perfect your message can be carried out easily thus allowing you to test your ideas before committing to an expensive print campaign.